
The Tale of Naruto Uzumaki

Naruto Uzumaki, The Orange Spark. 

Undeniably one of anime’s most famed heroes and protagonists.

However, you may be thinking to yourself  “Why is this guy so famous?”

And the answer to that is breathtakingly  simple.

It’s because of the various trials and tribulations that he had to go through to even remotely achieve his tasks and goals.

Naruto’s Level of Perseverance is nigh-unrivalled, even by protagonist standards.

From being a forsaken child, detested by all.

To being beloved by everyone.

This has led Naruto Uzumaki to be a figure of great admiration within the anime community, myself included.

But that’s not it in it’s entirety. My job today is to enlighten you, Dear Reader on the Story of  Naruto Uzumaki

Without any further ado, I present:

The Tale of Naruto Uzumaki

Our story begins on one moon-lit night, with the bloody screams of countless humans and the rampaging roars of an unnamed beast – a beast feared by all.

This beast was unusual in appearance, bearing bright fur and a whopping Nine Separate Tails but most distinctly, was it’s unique resemblance to a Fox.

But what caused this monster to become a subject of great disdain and fright within the Ninja World was not its unusual appearance, but its Colossal Size and Earth-Shattering Might

Stated to be capable of destroying mountains with a single swipe of one of its tails.

This beast, was called the ‘The Nine Tailed Fox’ due to its fox-like appearance and its nine tails.

On the aforementioned moon-lit night, this berserking monster rampaged and killed without hesitation – a truly mindless beast.

The fox stopped at nothing, tearing down building after building, slaughtering family after family with absolutely nothing holding it back from continuing the Carnival of Carnage.

Until the Scornful Monster’s Tantrum was brought to an abrupt end.

By the current head of the Hidden Leaf Village, the current Hokage, the Hero.

The Fourth Hokage didn’t hold his breath when confronting this demon, immediately dispatching it and sealing it into a newborn Naruto Uzumaki with the seal taking form of a swirl on his stomach.

The Fourth Hokage…was slain by the beast however in his attempt to seal it into the young Naruto.

After the nightmare, all that remained was a Village, scarred eternally by a rampaging nightmare and loss of a beloved leader.

And a newborn, cursed to roam the earth with a subdued Nine Tails behind bars within himself.

With the current Fourth Hokage officially rendered as ‘deceased’, his predecessor, the Third Hokage is left with nothing short of an option to reassume his position at the office as the role of Village Head.

And Naruto’s tale, just begins.

            12 Years Later

A gleeful young child is seen painting onto a gargantuan stone sculpture of a face.

Before being intercepted and chased by what is presumably seen as figures of authority.

The sculpture Naruto was painting on is revealed to be the face of the Hokage and the people chasing him, Chunin Guards.

The reason why Naruto is doing such an act as literally defacing the sculptures of the Village’s Head Honchos you ask?


Naruto, has been treated and regarded with massive disdain and scorn since his early childhood.

Primarily due to the massive fact that, the Nine Tails is sealed within him.

Many, if not, all of the Leaf’s Villagers were affected by the Nine Tails’ Rampant Fit of Rage.

Therefore, they gaze upon Naruto with shunful and detestable eyes – eyes that signify hatred.

To add salt in his wounds, Naruto’s frequent attempts at troublemaking have pushed the villagers to detest him on unrecognizable levels. 

A large majority of the Villagers outright ignore him, but the minority tend to act out and badmouth him and so forth.

But despite all of this, Naruto makes distinct efforts to gain the acknowledgement of the Villagers that oh so hate him.

The only method of doing so, is by becoming the future Hokage and gaining the recognition of everyone.

However, actions speak far louder than words.

In the local Ninja Academy, Naruto is at the very bottom of his Class in terms of ranking.

A primary pre-requisite of graduating from this Academy, is the performance of a ridiculously simple technique, the Shadow Clone Jutsu.

Naruto is unable to perform this technique even if his life depended on it and therefore is unable to graduate from the Academy to progress his dreams.

Hence, where the doubt of Naruto even achieving that dream stems from.

Instead, Naruto mocks the technique by using the ‘Sexy Jutsu’ and transforming into a beautiful woman, much to the disdain of his teacher, Iruka Umino.

Who is then portrayed to be a father figure to Naruto, occasionally taking the young orphan out to dinner at Ichiraku Ramen, which happens to be Naruto’s Favourite Food Location.

Dissatisfied by his lack of growth after realizing that his attempts at attention are beginning to fail, Naruto is approached by a Chunin, Mizuki, who goads Naruto into stealing the Scroll of Seals.

A Scroll containing numerous techniques that are abundant and forbidden in might, like the ability to revive the dead for example. 

Some of these techniques within the scroll, were formerly used by the Fourth Hokage, even.

Naruto succeeds in the retrieval of the scroll, only to be interrupted by Iruka.

Who is then assaulted by Mizuki, who reveals a shocking truth to Naruto – Iruka’s parents were killed by the Nine Tails.

And presented the possibility of Iruka hating Naruto even more than the Villagers do.

Shocked to his very roots by this surprise conclusion, Naruto stands vulnerable to be slain.

Only for Iruka to receive the hit instead.

Iruka then reassures Naruto that he didn’t hate Naruto and Mizuki’s words were flat out lies.

Naruto, overwhelmed by Iruka’s Resolve to protect him and the latter’s words, musters up his Chakra and performs the Multi-Shadow Clone Technique – A Jutsu of High-Calibre.

Mizuki is surrounded by over 1000 Naruto Clones and is then overwhelmed and beaten to kingdom come.

In the aftermath of it all, Naruto is heavily exhausted and Iruka, full of pride in the young lad, gifts Naruto his own headband.

Signifying the youth’s long awaited graduation to a Genin.

While Iruka, is imbued with the subtle idea that Naruto might just succeed and become Hokage.

And that, is the introduction to this tale.  

Hope You Enjoyed and Please, do visit again once the continuation is posted.

Thanks For Reading.

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